Eye Exercises to Improve Farsightedness
Relaxation and Blinking
When eye exercises were created, one of the main objectives was to help to relax the eyes so that they could be retrained to focus properly. In one example, you cover your eyes with your hands while keeping them open. Ensure they are in total darkness for as little as one minute to as long as 30 minutes. This takes the strain off of your eyes.
Incorporating more blinking into your day is also a good way to help the eyes relax. Blinking lubricates the eyes, to prevent them from becoming dry and tired. Once a day, try to blink 25 times in rapid succession to lubricate your eyes. You can also try opening your eyes for four seconds and then closing them for four seconds to have a similar effect. If you have no time for any other exercises, add relaxation and blinking into your day, as you may notice a slight improvement in your farsightedness.
Certain exercises can help to stretch your eyes. They may also help your other exercises to be more effective. Squeeze your eyes tightly shut for three seconds and then let go. This can bring circulation and nutrients to your eyes. In another exercise, you look to the left and then look to the right. Try to look as far in either direction as you can. Repeat this exercise three times. Then try this in all other possible directions. Look up and then down, look to the top left and the bottom right, and look to the top right and the bottom left. Look up and slowly make your eyes go in a full circle clockwise, following by two fast-paced clockwise circles. Repeat the same exercise counterclockwise. Attempt to spend 10 minutes doing these particular exercises every day, followed by either relaxation or the set of exercises detailed in the next section.
Some exercises work more on the mechanics of your eyes. Sit down in a chair and take in your hand a pencil or some other small object. Hold the object at arm's length and slowly move it toward your nose, focusing on it the entire time. Once it reaches your nose, slowly move it back out and repeat.
Another exercise involves tracing a giant figure eight with your eyes around 10 to 15 feet in front of you. Then turn the figure eight on its side and trace it again. Continue to flip it either way, spending a few minutes on each side. Finally, to practice with focusing, start by putting your hand out in front of you and focusing on it. Then focus on something 10 to 20 feet in front of you. Breathe deeply, and upon every deep breath, switch between your hand and the distant object. Spend 30 minutes on relaxation, stretching and mechanical eye exercises each day, and you may notice some positive changes in your farsightedness within a couple of weeks.