Thyroid Eye Problems
Not all people with thyroid problems have issues with their eyes. Enough do and the condition is call thyroid related orbitopathy. It is seen most in those with a hyper- or over-active thyroid.
Redness and Swelling
A common eye problem that accompanies thyroid problems is red and swollen eyes. Sometimes eyelid retraction and a protrusion of the eyes are present.
Vision Disturbances
Vision disturbances are often noted in people with thyroid problems. Blurred or decreased vision is most frequently reported.
A person with thyroid problems will often notice changes in the eyes and vision about six months to two years after a thyroid problem is discovered. Once the thyroid is stabilized, changes are infrequent and normal vision might reoccur.
Graves Disease
Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is often called Graves disease. Bulging and irritated eyes are the usual suspects. Many appear to look frightened and might appear scary looking, causing social isolation.
Smoking might exacerbate symptoms of thyroid eye disease. Frequent visits to an eye doctor will help, as will eye drops and keeping the head elevated on a high pillow at night.