Definition of Night Blindness

Night blindness is a vision impairment that affects a person's ability to see at night or in darkness. Often referred to as nyctalopia, this visual disruption is not actually a condition all on its own. It is usually a result of another issue or disorder and involves the health of your eyes. Treatment customarily entails caring for the underlying cause of night blindness to improve your overall vision.
  1. Definition

    • If you suffer from night blindness, you will have "normal" vision in natural or artificial light but weak or total loss of vision in dark or dimly lit environments. Normal vision simply means the ability to see, though you may suffer from nearsightedness, farsightedness or another vision issue; however, your visual perception decreases as the light fades around you.


    • For most people, night blindness is a result of myopia, a condition that affects your focus on objects in the distance. This particular disorder is more commonly known as nearsightedness. But nearsightedness is not the only reason you may experience night blindness, you may also have an increased difficulty seeing in the dark due to diseases of the retina, cataracts, glaucoma medications or even vitamin deficiencies.


    • As mentioned earlier, night blindness is often treated by resolving the underlying cause of the visual impairment. When nearsightedness is the culprit, you could need eyeglasses or a new prescription for eyeglasses. With diseases of the retina, tinted glasses during daylight hours can keep your night blindness from worsening. Cataract surgery can treat nyctalopia if this is the cause. A different prescription may be needed if your glaucoma medication is impairing your night vision. Even dietary supplements containing Vitamin A could improve your eyesight in the dark. Treatment just depends on the underlying cause of the condition.


    • While you are dealing with night blindness, it is also important to employ a few self-care measures for your own safety. The most significant measure entails driving at night, so avoid doing so if possible. When you need to get some place during the evening, enlists the help of friends and neighbors to take you to your chosen location. Make sure your home--both interior and exterior--is properly lit.

    Professional Help

    • When you notice something is wrong your night vision, make sure to speak to a medical professional as soon as possible. It could be a sign of a serious condition. Like many other conditions, early detection is often an important factor in treatment.

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