Tips to Reduce Puffy Eyes
Get Enough Sleep
Under-eye puffiness due to fluid retention often reflects inadequate sleep. Getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night may help reduce under-eye puffiness. Additionally, pay close attention to how you sleep. For best results, sleep on your back with your head elevated by pillows or other props. This prevents fluids from building up in your eyes as you sleep.
One-Minute Puffiness Reducer
If you have puffy eyes due to fluid retention from sleeping or crying, try this remedy for fast de-puffing. Dip a cotton ball or round in ice water, squeeze excess water out, then apply to the eyes for 5 to 10 minutes. Or apply chilled cucumber slices, an eye mask that has been refrigerated, or cool, damp tea bags for the same amount of time.
Reduce Allergy Symptoms
An allergic reaction or seasonal allergies can cause eye puffiness as well. If your allergies affect you seasonally, you may see relief using over-the-counter antihistamines or soothing eye drops.
Also take steps to avoid allergens that have previously caused puffiness, such as pet dander or outdoor pollen. Wearing wraparound sunglasses may help to shield you from some allergens that can irritate the eyes and cause swelling.
Other Treatment Options
To shrink puffiness under the eye, some people recommend hemorrhoid cream because of its anti-swelling properties. However, no significant research has been conducted as to hemorrhoid cream's effectiveness, according to Lawrence E. Gibson, MD, writing for As a reason not to use hemorrhoid cream to treat undereye puffiness, Dr. Gibson points to its inflammatory properties should any cream get in the eye.
Chronic puffy eyes can be a signal of a more serious medical concern, such as a kidney or thyroid condition. If you have painful or persistent swelling, see a physician for evaluation.