Proper Contact Lens Fitting
Eye Conditions that Make a Proper Contact Lens Fitting Difficult
Some eye conditions make obtaining a proper fit with contact lenses difficult. One can still wear contacts, but he may need to find an eye care practitioner with special expertise in fitting contact lenses. Conditions such as keratoconus, astigmatism, dry eyes, giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC) and presbyopia make finding the proper fit challenging.
If an eye care patient suffers from a condition that makes finding the proper fit more difficult, she can still wear contacts. The individual should find an eye care professional who specializes in contact lenses and has experience with hard-to-fit patients. Most eye care practitioners that focus on this area have advanced equipment to make more precise measurements of the cornea to find the best contact lens fit possible.
An eye care professional may also recommend special contact lenses to find a better fit for a particular condition. Toric lenses are often prescribed to those who suffer from astigmatism. These lenses are made with curvatures at different angles, and they are made to stay in one place on the eye and not rotate. Some conditions require rigid (gas permeable) lenses to achieve the best fit. A special hybrid lens is also available for hard to fit eyes that has a gas permeable center surrounded by soft contact material. For those who suffer from presbyopia, bifocal and multi-focal lenses are available. These lenses require a very detailed fitting due to the complex design.
Significance of a Proper Contact Lens Fitting
Obtaining a proper contact lens fitting is very important for good vision and the health of the eye. A lens that fits poorly can lead to discomfort, swelling, inflammation, infection, and other problems that could cause permanent damage to the eye. Contact lenses are available in a multitude of curvatures and diameters to obtain an individualized fit. An eye care practitioner may need to try several different combinations with different lens styles before the fitting is finalized. Lenses that require more complex measurements, such as toric and bifocal lenses, will take longer and cost more for a proper fitting. A complete eye exam and fitting will also include instructions on proper lens insertion, removal, and lens care. A follow-up visit is usually scheduled to ensure the lenses are continuing to provide the best possible vision and fit.