Eye Exercises to Improve Eyesight
Computer Vision Syndrome
Ophthalmologists agree that many eyesight conditions are worsened by extended computer use and time spent indoors in front of the television and video games. It is estimated that 75 percent of those working on computers suffer from computer vision syndrome (CVS), which generally affects those older than 40. Learning to regularly relax the eye in between computer-related tasks will help to lessen eyestrain and improve vision impairment due to overtired eyes. If you suffer from tired, sore eyes, occasional blurring, red or burning eyes, contact lens discomfort, glare sensitivity and excessive tearing, you may be suffering from CVS.
Exercises to Relax
If you have access to an office window with a view, this exercise can periodically relieve eyestrain throughout the day and keep your eyes relaxed and refreshed. Pick a distant object outside the window to focus on, preferably one you can see without any distortion of the object. Study it for 10 to 15 seconds, then slowly refocus your eyes on an object close at hand. Repeat three to five times a minimum of once per hour.
Palming is another relaxation technique that is helpful in relieving eyestrain. With your eyes closed, place a palm over each eyelid so no light enters. The bottom of your palms should rest on each cheekbone. Breathe deeply in this position for three to five minutes.
Stimulating the tear ducts is also soothing to tired eyes, and you can accomplish this by gently squeezing your eyes shut for three to five seconds, then reopening them. Repeat five times as often as needed. Blinking the eye rapidly for several seconds also helps to ease eye muscle strain.
Exercises to Strengthen
This exercise helps strengthen the iris and can be done in the evening in front of a bright lamp. Turn off all other lights in the room and sit comfortably in front of the lamp with your eyes closed. Switch the lamp on and off in time to your slow, relaxed breathing. Another excellent exercise during the day is to look toward the sun with your eyes closed for five to 10 minutes.
This one helps stimulate the flow of nutrients within the eye and improves eyesight coordination. Hold a pencil or other small object at arm's length; wave it back and forth slowly in a figure eight while following it closely with your eyes. Follow the object for 10 to 15 seconds each time, repeating three times.
Another exercise to help improve eye coordination is to hold an object at arm's length and focus on it, slowly moving it in to touch the tip of your nose. Inhale slowly while you bring the object in toward your face, then exhale as you move it back out again. Perform this exercise three to five times several times throughout the day.