Daily Contacts Vs. Monthly Contacts
Both daily and monthly contacts are considered disposable lenses that should be discarded and replaced frequently or as needed, depending on the type you choose.
Daily Contacts
Most daily contacts are removed from the eyes each evening, placed in a cleansing solution and stored for use the next day. These come in three basic types: "conventional" soft contacts, which can last up to one year with proper care; conventional rigid gas-permeable lenses, which can last one year or longer; and "planned replacement" contact lenses, which are designed to last one to six months.
On the other hand, disposable contacts last from one day (daily wear) to up to two weeks (extended wear).
Monthly Contacts
Monthly contacts can be worn continuously throughout the day and overnight for seven to 30 days, depending on the brand and materials used. These lenses are also known as continuous or extended-wear lenses. They are often favored by frequent travelers and people who need to be able to see immediately, even when awoken suddenly, such as Army personnel and firefighters.
Contact-lens use and improper cleaning heightens your risk of corneal abrasions and ulcers, blindness, impaired vision and conjunctivitis.
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, any eye or vision problems that occur while wearing contact lenses should be taken care of immediately, as this could be a sign of a serious condition. Remove and store your lenses and consult an eye-care professional.