Remedy for Baggy Eyes

The skin around the eyes is very thin, and it is easy for this skin to become irritated and inflamed due to conditions such as thyroid problems, allergies, lack of sleep and poor nutrition. Baggy eyes can also be genetic--if you have baggy eyes with heavy circles under them, someone else in your family probably had them, too. The older you are, the more pronounced the bags under the eyes become, but there are a few simple things that you can do to help alleviate the bagginess.
  1. Rest

    • Get plenty of rest each night. Lack of sleep can cause the eyes to be puffy and swollen. This is the result of tired eyes. Do not stay up late looking at the computer screen or TV; instead, turn in early. If you wear glasses or contacts, always wear them when you are supposed to. Not wearing your glasses as prescribed can make the eyes very tired. Glasses will rest the eyes and help them from becoming fatigued.

    Eye Compresses

    • Ice packs applied to the eyes can help sooth tired eyes and reduce swelling. Cucumber slices placed on the eyes for 20 minutes at a time will help relieve swelling. Tea bags are another effective remedy. After you have boiled your tea bags to make tea, set them aside and allow them to cool. Place the tea bags on the eyes for approximately 20 minutes. The antioxidants in the tea will reduce swelling and puffiness.


    • When your body becomes dehydrated, the natural reaction is for it to swell because it is retaining water. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. This actually allows your body to flush the toxins out and plump up the skin. Staying hydrated helps to keep you from getting dehydrated. Generally, you should drink between eight to 10 glasses of water per day.


    • Poor nutrition can cause the body--and the eyes--to swell. Cut out caffeine, which can cause the body to retain fluid. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, which lowers body fat and reduces swelling. Your diet will show on your body, so try to eat plenty of fiber and stay away from processed and fast foods that can aggravate the balance within the system and cause swelling.

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