How to Buy Synergeyes Contacts Online
Visit your eye doctor to receive an eye examination. Let him know that you wish to receive a prescription for SynergEyes contacts. He will determine if you are an eligible candidate for the hybrid contact lenses.
Find an online contact lenses store that offers SynergEyes contact lenses. Use the SynergEyes website to locate an online prescriber that can allow you to order the contact lenses. You can also check online contact lenses retailers such as Vision Direct to see if they have SynergEyes in stock.
Give the online supplier your eye doctor's information as well as your billing details. They will contact your eye doctor for confirmation of your SynergEyes prescription. Once this is confirmed, your credit card will be processed and the contact lenses shipped to you. Save your receipt for potential eligibility for the SynergEyes rebate program.
Send in a rebate form after you buy the SynergEyes contacts online. You can download rebates from the SynergEyes website and mail it in to receive a rebate check from the manufacturer.