What Is a Multifocal Contact Lense?
As people get older, they experience a condition called presbyopia. Presbyopia is the necessity for an additional "reading" prescription for near work, and is usually supplied via reading glasses or bifocals. Presbyopia occurs when the lens inside the eye ages, causing it to lose the ability to change shape in order to keep near objects in focus on the retina.
How Does A Multifocal Lens Work?
A multifocal contact lens works by having different portions of the lens work for different viewing distances. Over time, your visual system learns to look through various parts of the lens that bend light for the correct distance, providing fairly clear vision at many distances. Because the lens has portions that work for distance as well as near, it eliminates the need for reading glasses or bifocals in most situations.
Brands and Materials
Multifocal contact lenses are available in both gas-permeable and soft materials. Popular multifocal soft contact lens brands include Proclear, Oasys and Purevision.
Alternatives to Multifocal Contact Lenses
A common alternative to multifocal lenses is known as monovision. Monovision sets one eye for the distance prescription while a contact lens that makes near items clear is used for the other. This reduces binocular function of the eyes but may provide better clarity at distance and near.
Talk to Your Eye Doctor
Contact lenses may not be dispensed without a valid prescription, so talk over your options with your eye doctor and get a contact-lens fitting and prescription.