Home Remedy for Curing Styes
Warm compresses can help cure a sty more quickly by bringing it to a point. The Mayo Clinic says that compresses can be applied four times a day for 10 minutes at a time. Soak a clean washcloth in warm water, then lie back and place it over your eyelid for 10 minutes. Besides curing the sty, compresses will relieve the discomfort they can cause.
Once your sty drains, make sure to keep your eyelid clean while it heals. This will prevent infection. Clean the area at least twice a day with a clean washcloth and warm water. Wipe your eyelid gently as you clean it to avoid irritating the healing area. The Mayo Clinic says you should always wash your hands after touching a sty or the surrounding area.
Once you have cured your sty, take precautions to keep it from returning. Replace your old eye make-up and wash your hands thoroughly before applying make-up or touching your eyes for any other reason. Contact lens wearers should disinfect lenses thoroughly every day and wash your hands before putting them into your eyes.