Lotemax Eye Drop Side Effects
Vision Side Effects
Lotemax eye drops can cause some temporary vision changes, including blurriness and double vision. This is no cause for concern, and the changes typically resolve a few minutes after the drops have been placed in the eye. If you experience more serious changes to your vision or long-term vision problems, notify your doctor immediately as this could signal a more serious problem that requires treatment.
Eye Side Effects
Some Lotemax users will experience discharge from the eye, increased tear production, swelling of the eyelid, dry eye, stinging in the eye or the feeling as though there is a foreign object in the eye. None of these side effects is cause for concern, but notify your doctor if they become bothersome. Certain side effects of the eye could signal a problem that requires treatment, however. Stop using Lotemax and notify your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following: worsening eye itchiness or itchiness that does not resolve with Lotemax treatment, eye pain and severe swelling or redness of the eye.
Other Side Effects
Other side effects sometimes experienced by Lotemax users include headaches, a runny nose, increased sensitivity to light and a sore throat. None of these side effects is cause for concern. If you experience delayed healing following surgical or other invasive medical procedures, notify your doctor because this could be a sign of a problem.
Lotemax is not safe for all people. If you have bacterial, mycobacterial or viral infections of the eye, discuss this with your doctor before taking Lotemax. Although the medication can be used to treat certain infections, it is not safe in all cases. Additionally, if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, discuss all your treatment options with your doctor to make sure you make the best choice for your and your baby.
Drug Interactions
No known dangerous drug interactions with Lotemax are known, but harmful interactions are still possible in some patients. Discuss all drugs--prescription and over-the-counter medications and herbal supplements--with your doctor and pharmacist before using Lotemax.