Treatments for Bags Under the Eyes?
Lifestyle Alterations
Lessening fluid retention is the first line of treatment. Getting a full night's sleep is the first step--sleeping with your head elevated can reduce accumulation around the eyes. The amount of elevation can range from one pillow to a wedge under the mattress. Being comfortable is the main factor. Staying hydrated can also lessen the amount of eye puffiness in the morning.
Cool Compresses
Placing cool compresses over the eyes can reduce puffiness. Cold cucumber slices, frozen bags of peas or damp tea bags can substitute for cool compresses. You can also purchase gel eye masks and refrigerate them for this purpose. These strategies can help improve blood flow around the eyes and reduce fluid accumulation.
Improve Allergy Symptoms
Allergies to environmental substances, facial cleansers or makeup can cause eyelid puffiness. Decrease your exposure to the allergen to alleviate the problem. Over-the-counter or prescription allergy medications can also be used; speak to a physician for advice about medications.
When eye bags are caused by sagging skin, weakened muscles or excess fat, at-home remedies will not improve the condition much. A surgery called blepharoplasty is the only treatment to improve the appearance of under-eye puffiness caused by these types of skin changes. This outpatient procedure can only be performed by ophthalmologists, dermatologists or plastic surgeons. During surgery, the fat is removed and the skin is tightened. This procedure is not covered by insurance unless there is documentation that the condition is interfering with your vision.
If you experience severe eye swelling, contact a physician immediately. If the eyelids are swollen and puffy every day and appear not to get better, allow an eye doctor to take a look at the eyelid to make sure the condition is not being caused by a more serious or chronic condition.