Cataract Symptoms
Blurry Vision
One of the most common symptoms of cataracts is blurry vision. As the vision gets worse, the patient is often fitted with new glasses in an effort to correct it.
Frequent Prescription Changes
Although frequent prescription changes does not mean that a person has cataracts, it suggests that there is some type of disease process going on that needs to be investigated.
Change in Color Perception
When a person starts to have difficulties distinguishing between different colors or colors appear faded, the problem may be caused by a cataract and should be evaluated by an eye doctor.
A big problem for people with cataracts is difficulty with bright lights, glare and halos around lights. This can make it difficult to be in well-lighted areas or in sunlight.
Poor Night Vision
Anyone who develops poor vision at night should visit the doctor for evaluation. Issues with glare and halos can interfere with night vision, but the cloudy vision of cataracts can impact night vision as well.