Natural Herbs for Eyes
Treating Puffy or Irritated Eyes
Through the use of natural herbal compresses, one may be able to help relieve puffy eyes effectively. Begin by infusing 1 tablespoon of chamomile, fennel or eyebright herb in 3 tablespoons of boiling water. Let the solution sit for about 10 minutes and then strain out the herb from the water. Allow the solution to cool by putting it into the refrigerator.
Use circular cotton pads or cotton balls and dip them into the solution. Squeeze out the excess. Lie down, close your eyes and place the cotton pads over your eyes. Relax for 10 to 20 minutes. The natural herbal solution may be kept in the refrigerator and reused for about three days. To relieve bloodshot eyes, prepare a decoction in this same manner, using raspberry leaves as the active herb.
Perhaps the most recognizable and dreaded form of eye irritation is known by the name "pink eye." Taking eyebright, as well as using cold compresses created from calendula, chamomile or fennel will help to ease inflammation and irritation in the eyes.
Generally caused by allergies, colds or pink eye, mucus in the eyes can be washed out with diluted, goldenseal extract or cooled goldenseal tea. However, do not use goldenseal if you are pregnant or allergic to ragweed.
Natural Herbs for Strained or Blurry Vision
Taking eyebright in capsule or tea form may be helpful in reducing eyestrain. Rinsing the eyes with cooled eyebright tea may also help relieve the dull, aching sensation around and behind the eyes.
Through improving circulation throughout the eye, ginkgo biloba extract is a helpful herb for improving blurry vision. In addition, taking bilberry extract orally will supply bioflavonoids, which help aid in removing toxic chemicals from the retina of the eye. Bilberry is also helpful in treating night vision.
Other Eye Conditions
Blephartis is an inflammation of the outer edges of the eyelids, which causes itching, burning, redness and eyelid swelling. It may give the sensation that something is in the eye. Caused by poor hygiene, sleeping habits or nutrition, blephartis can be eased with compresses made from warmed eyebright, goldenseal or mullein herbs.
Macular degeneration is an age-related eye condition which causes progressive vision loss. According to the book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" by Phyllis Balch, a combination of the following has been proven to help halt vision loss caused by macular degeneration: Take at least 160 milligrams of bilberry extract daily with unspecified amounts of ginkgo biloba extract and zinc and eating 8 to 10 ounces of fresh blueberries per day.