Eye Glass Cleaner Recipe
Soap and Water
Use a very small amount of natural soap and gently rub it onto the lenses. This will work away any fingerprint smudges or film on your lenses. Next, rinse the lenses under the faucet with warm water until the soap is completely rinsed away. Make sure that there is no soap remaining on the lenses to prevent any residue or haze. Dry with a soft, lens-cleaning cloth.
Another option is to add 2 drops of natural dish soap to 2 cups of water. Mix well and store in a spray bottle or container for easy use. Because the ratio of soap to water is so small, the soap will act more as a water softener or conditioner more than a soap. This gives the water a grease-cutting edge without leaving a soapy residue.
Vinegar and Water
Vinegar and water is an all-purpose cleaning mixture, especially for mild eyeglass cleaning. This simple recipe provides the right balance of a base and an acid. The dissolving properties of the vinegar will work to loosen any dirt or grime on the glasses.
Use a small container to store this mixture in for future use. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar to 1 cup of water. Dampen a lens cloth with a little bit of the mixture and gently rub it onto the glasses. Wipe dry. Vinegar and water, or vinegar alone, is an easy option for cleaning eyeglass lenses, as it leaves a streak-free surface.
Alcohol and Water
Mixing 1 teaspoon of alcohol into 1 cup of water is an effective eyeglass cleaner recipe. The mixture can be applied to the lenses using a lens cloth, or it can be poured into a mini spray bottle for convenient use on the go. Either way, the alcohol works by dissolving away dirt or fingerprint residues on the lenses' surfaces. After cleaning the lenses, use the lens cloth to buff to a streak-free shine.
Alcohol can even be used without the water as an eyeglass cleaner. It will cut through the dirt and will clean up to a nice shine. Since water is by nature a natural cleaner, mixing the alcohol into the water makes a larger batch of the cleaning solution, maximizing the use of alcohol in an eyeglass cleaner recipe.