Swollen Eye Symptoms
Crying can produce swollen eyes. Not only do the eyes appear swollen, but other symptoms of crying may accompany the inflammation, such as eyes that appear red, watery and even blurry at times. The body reacts to emotions, which causes an increase of blood flow to the eye. When this happens, the eyes produce tears that may strain the eye. The strain against the eye generates excess pressure in the eye, causing the eyes swell.
Food Allergies
Food allergies affect adults and children. However, children are most likely to develop an allergy to food and can potentially outgrow it as they become older. Swollen eyes may be a symptom of food allergies. The immune system can sometimes mistake a particular food as a potential threat and cause cells in the body to make immunoglobulin E. As a result, chemicals and histamines throughout the body can cause skin rashes, hives, vomiting, diarrhea and swollen eyes.
Pink Eye
Swollen eyes can be a symptom of pink eye, or conjunctivitis. The membranes covering the whites of the eyes react to bacteria and viruses or allergy provoking stimulants and may become red and swollen. Pink eye is common in children, but it can be found in people of all ages. There are many causes of pink eye, possibly even an underlying disease. Consult an eye doctor if these symptoms persist and become a problem.
Hay Fever
Swollen eyes that are red and irritated are a common symptom of hay fever. Usually hay fever is most prominent around the spring, summer and fall months when plants release pollen. People can also get swollen eyes as a result of other allergens such as dust mites and pet dander. Hay fever affects about one in five people. Make an appointment with a doctor to talk about a possible allergen-blocking medication.
Eyes that are swollen may be a symptom of bacteria or even a virus present in the eye. Streptococci, Staphylococci, herpes, chlamydia and adenovirus are common eye infections that can cause scarring, vision impairment and possibly blindness. An eye doctor can advise proper care and medication for such infections. Symptoms may produce in one eye or both, depending on the severity. Although an infection may not be life threatening, it can hinder a person's lifestyle greatly.