How to Prevent Retinal Detachment
Eat healthy foods to avoid the onset of diabetes. Retinal detachment is a high risk to individuals with diabetes. If you already have diabetes, take all your prescribed medications in addition to eating a healthy diet.
Steer clear of head trauma. Car accidents or other events that jostle or strike the head could cause your retina to separate from your eye, so protecting your head will lower your risk of retinal detachment.
Avoid eye injuries. Retinal detachments happen at a higher rate among individuals with past eye problems. If you are coming off eye surgery or another injury, rest your head, and allow your eye to fully heal. Avoid activity involving the head, as this could jolt your already sensitive retina. Wear eye protection in contact sports to lower your risk for eye trauma that could lead to a retinal detachment.
If you experience a sudden increase in "floaters" across the eye or other vision irregularities, see your eye doctor immediately. You may have suffered a minor retinal detachment or other injury that could lead to a worse detachment--one that may not be repairable.
Ask your doctor about your risk of retinal detachment if your family has a history of retinal detachment or if you have severe nearsightedness, such as myopia. He may be able to personalize advice regarding how to avoid a retinal detachment given your particular conditions.