What is Restasis?
Medical Problems/Effects
Individuals who have eye infections or who are sensitive to cyclosporine should not use Restasis. Individuals who have herpes in their cornea should discuss whether Restasis should be used and at what dosage with their doctors. Individuals who wear contacts are generally advised to discontinue using their contacts when they begin Restasis. However, some physicians allow patients to continue wearing their contact lenses if they wait 15 minutes after the drops are applied to insert them.
Dosage Guidelines
Dosage strength and application frequency will differ from patient to patient and will be determined by the patient's medical history, age and the condition treated. The dosage should not be increased, decreased or discontinued without first consulting the prescribing physician. Before each use, gently rotate the vial of Restasis back and forth. The vial should never be shaken.
Dosage Administration
Wash your hands before using Restasis. Avoid touching the applicator tip with your fingers or hands. Touching the applicator tip to the eye should also be avoided. After the drops have been administered, avoid blinking. Close your eyes until the medication has been absorbed. Also, be sure to wash your hands after using Restasis; this ensures that no medication lingers on the skin. If a dosage is missed, administer the dose. However, double dosing is not safe, so if it is almost time for the next scheduled dose, forego the missed dose altogether.
Side Effects
The most common side effect of Restasis is burning of the eyes. Less common side effects include blurry vision, eye pain, eye discharge, runny eyes, seeing halos around lights, eye irritation, redness of the white of the eyes or inside the eyelids, matted eyelashes and itchy skin. All side effects should be reported to the prescribing physician.
Because Restasis can cause blurry vision and other vision problems, driving or operating machinery should be avoided until you know how the medication will interact with your vision. You will have to visit your doctor regularly while taking Restasis to ensure that the medication is working properly. Your doctor will determine if the medication should be continued or discontinued, or if the dosage should be adjusted.