How to Stop a Twitchy Eye

Eye twitch, also known as blepharospasm, is an involuntary blinking of the eye. While most instances are harmless and temporary, more severe cases can interfere with sight and impair your ability to function. Don't panic! If you are undergoing a particularly annoying bout of eye twitch, here are some things you can do.

Things You'll Need

  • Rest Relaxation A doctor
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      Rest. Eye twitch is often the result of a lack of sleep.

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      Relax. If you have been anxious lately, this may be the cause of your eye twitch. Look into meditation, exercise and other stress management techniques.

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      Step away from the computer. Eye strain can lead to eye twitch, so make sure you give your eyes a regular break.

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      Consult a doctor if your eye twitch is severe and prevents you from seeing. Your doctor may give you a Botox injection to paralyze the muscles and disable the nerves surrounding your eyelids. in extreme cases, surgery to remove the nerves may be necessary.

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      Know that eye twitch can be the sign of a larger neurological disorder. If you or your doctor suspect this, see a neurologist for an evaluation.

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