Causes of Macular Pucker
Macular pucker is also known as epiretinal membrane, retina wrinkle, surface wrinkling retinopathy and internal limiting membrane disease.
The older the person, the higher the risk of macular pucker. It usually happens to those older than 50 years of age. As people age, a gel-like substance in the middle of the eye pulls away from the retina. As that happens, a scar might develop, which can affect the shape of the retina.
Detached Retina
A detached retina is when the retina pulls away from where it usually is in the back of the eye. This causes scar tissue to form, resulting in macular pucker.
Posterior Vitreous Detachment
Posterior vitreous detachment is when the gel between the retina and lens separates from the back of the eye.
People with diabetes can develop diabetic retinopathy, a disease that is caused by complications from diabetes. It occurs when diabetes damages blood vessels in the eye which, in turn, can cause macular pucker.
Blurred or distorted vision are symptoms of macular pucker. People with the condition might also experience vision loss and straight lines can appear wavy. They might also have trouble reading fine details. It can also cause a spot of gray area in the field of vision.
For macular pucker cases with mild symptoms, no treatment might be needed. If it is severe, vitrectomy surgery might be needed. The procedure removes the gel-like substance from over the eye to keep it from distorting the retina. It is replaced by a salt solution. An eye patch is worn after the surgery for a few days to protect it from infection.
Surgery does not usually bring back all of the vision lost from macular pucker. In most cases, about half of the vision lost comes back, but it can take up to three months to see the results.