Eye Exercises
On eye conditions that can benefit from eye exercises, many benefits have been received. These include decreased levels of eye strain, strengthened eye muscles, and an increased sense of wellness. Individuals benefiting also will experience fewer headaches (including migraines), less eye tension, a decreased frustration level, improved mental functioning, increased muscle coordination, and increased relaxation. Individuals can also benefit by having less difficulty focusing on objects and reading materials. Professional athletes can benefit by having increased responsiveness to fast moving objects and enhanced sensitivity to peripheral vision.
Blinking and yawning will increase both tear production and lubrication. Getting natural light helps. Palming is an exercise involving an individual who sits with both elbows on the table, leans forward, closes eyes, cups hands over eyes and massages gently for 15 seconds. Eye movements involve closing the eyes and rolling them slowly for three sequences. Focus change involves holding one finger a few inches away from the eyes, focus on it, slowly move the finger away while focusing on a distance object. Bring the finger back in and focus on an object in the distance. Repeat.
Ergonomics is a field known for providing relief in a variety of health wise ways. The person sitting in front of a computer all day can use ergonomics to help them perform their job better, increase productivity, and decrease both visual and physical strain. Decreased computer screen glare, having the monitor (or screen) within a comfortable distance, larger screen fonts and regular breaks away from computer screens all ergonomically help the eyes and are a form of exercise.
It is important to know that eye exercises have been found beneficial with vision abnormalities such as convergence insufficiency and strabismus. Convergence insufficiency involves the inability of eyes to turn towards one another (such as in blurred vision, double vision or prolonged eye strain). Strabismus is when the eyes are not aligned to work together since the eye muscles are not coordinated. Not only can this prevent binocular perception, it can result in lack of depth perception.
As with any exercise program, consult with your physician prior to starting any eye exercises. This will lessen the chances of you overstraining or injuring your eyes. Improperly done eye exercise can cause permanent damage. Be wary of any health claims stating that specific eye care programs available for sale can eliminate wearing eye glasses. According to the American Academy of Opthalmology, there is no evidence found that eyes damaged through diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration are improved with eye exercises.