How to Correct Hyperopia
The refractive parts of the eye are the cornea and the lens. These two parts are evenly curved to perfect vision by focusing light directly on the retina. If either of these has an abnormal shape, it causes hyperopia, because light is focused behind the retina.
Symptoms of hyperopia are blurriness when viewing objects up close but clear vision when viewing objects far away. Headaches occur from squinting or straining, most noticeably after tasks that require close vision like reading, writing or drawing.
Hyperopia is present at birth, but there are several ways to treat the condition.
Ask for corrective lenses, either eyeglasses or contact lenses. There are several types of each, including bifocals, trifocals and reading glasses. You can choose soft, hard, disposable and extended wear contact lenses.
Wear the proper glasses. Reading glasses, for instance, may help with studying and reading books, but can cause headaches if they are the wrong strength. Hyperopia patients require glasses that are perfectly matched to correct the refracted light into the eye, so glasses purchased at the drugstore may only exacerbate the concition. Glasses must be prescribed and purchased from an ophthalmologist, who tailors the lenses to fit your eyes. -
Undergo surgery. Laser treatment sugery (LASIK) is available for those with hyperopia. The surgery reshapes your cornea so light refracts correctly to eye sensors in the brain, giving you perfect vision.
Control health problems. High blood pressure is common in patients with diabetes or heart disease. The pressure builds up in the eye, causing hyperopia and other vision problems. Controlling blood pressure corrects some hyperopia conditions.
Wear sunglasses outside. The sun's UV rays damage the eyes. Wearing sunglasses prevents eyes from damage.