How to Select Soft Contact Lenses
Choose an eye care professional who can perform an eye exam specifically for contact lenses. Contact lens exams are different from traditional eye exams and are usually performed for an additional fee ranging from $50 to $90.
Decide if you want to wear daily, weekly or monthly disposables. When you make your decision, consider how sensitive your eyes are and how much you are willing to spend on soft contacts. People with sensitive eyes may prefer daily or weekly lenses. These lenses are typically more expensive than monthly disposable contact lenses, however.
Decide if you want clear contacts or colored contacts. Colored contacts change or enhance your natural eye color.
Decide with the help of your eye care professional if traditional soft contacts or soft contacts for astigmatism are best for you. Depending on the severity of your astigmatism, you may be able to wear traditional soft contacts with minimal impact on your vision.
Choose bifocal contacts if you have presbyopia (difficulty focusing on objects that are close up). They are the newest type of contact lens on the market and are a great alternative to bifocal glasses.
With the help of your eye care professional, review your options and select the best brand of contact for you. You will be given contact lenses to wear for a trial period ranging from a day, week or month depending on the lens selected. Schedule a follow- up exam so your eye care professional can evaluate the fit of the lens and verify the health of your eye.
Be honest about your experience with your new contact lenses when you go for your follow-up exam. If you do not like your new lenses, let your eye care professional know, and try a different pair for another trial period. Never wear lenses that do not fit properly; not only are they uncomfortable, but they can damage a normally healthy eye.
Purchase a supply of your new soft contact lenses once you find a brand that works well for you and passes the evaluation done by your eye care professional.