Causes of Puffy Eyelids
Inadequate Sleep
Not getting enough shut-eye is one cause of puffy eyelids in the morning. This is because your blood pressure may increase when you are not getting enough sleep. Increased blood pressure can lead to swelling, which can lead to puffy eyelids, especially first thing in the morning.
Sleep Position
Not only can skimping on your sleep cause puffy eyelids, but how you sleep can be a culprit as well. Do you sleep on your stomach? Is your head below your body even slightly? If so, the fluids that normally are distributed in the body may be collecting in the facial area.
Whether happy or sad tears, excess crying can lead to puffy eyelids. When you cry, you may rub your eyes and irritate them, which leads to swelling. Additionally, when you cry, excess fluid gathers around your eyes, and some remains trapped there for a period of time.
Many of us love salty foods, but the increase in sodium can be another source of puffy eyelids. Salty foods cause you to retain water. This excess fluid causes your body to swell, which is often seen in the hands, feet and eyes.
Your favorite margarita or other brew could be causing your puffy eyes. Alcohol dehydrates the body and skin, but it also causes the body to retain water. If you tend to hit the bottle frequently and have puffy eyes, try reducing your intake of alcohol. You may see a marked decrease in puffiness.
Unfortunately, the cause of your puffy eyelids may simply be aging. As we age, gravity pulls down at our skin. Sometimes this results in saggy skin under the eyes. Fluid can collect here and cause the puffy appearance.
Sometimes your mother or grandmother is to blame for your puffy eyelids, with nothing more than heredity to blame.