How to Insert Proclear Contact Lenses
Things You'll Need
- Soap, hot water, and lint-free cotton towel Proclear contact lenses Sterile lens cleaning solution Small or mid-sized mirror
How to Insert Proclear Contact Lenses
Wash and dry your hands. Wipe down the sink and countertop to ensure the area is clean and dry.
Use your thumb and index finger to gently remove the lens from its case. Transfer the contact to the tip of your right index finger. Add two or three drops of sterile solution to the cupped surface of the lens.
Open your eye as wide as you can. Use the fingers of your left hand to hold your upper eyelid open if you tend to blink when inserting your lenses. Draw down your lower lid with the middle finger of your right hand.
Look directly in the mirror and place the Proclear contact lens on your cornea. Or place the lens on the white of your eye and slide it onto your cornea if your eyes are especially sensitive.
Let go of your eyelids and blink gently to settle the contact lens on your eye. Follow the same steps for the other contact. Insert your lenses in the same order every day so you don't accidentally get them mixed up.