How to Read in Low Light
Things You'll Need
- Reading glasses
Pay attention to your eye health by scheduling regular appointments with an optometrist. The American Optometric Association recommends annual visits for children under 18 years of age, and visits every 1 to 2 years from ages 18 to 60 as recommended by the ophthalmologist. After age 61, people should get their eyes examined at least annually.
Wear reading glasses if they make the print more legible. These don't have to be prescription lenses. Many people use "magnifier" reading glasses available from drug stores to help reduce eye strain. They come in a range of strengths. Experiment with what feels the most comfortable.
Increase the strength of your reading glasses periodically if needed. Over the age of 35, many people find they become gradually farsighted, meaning it is difficult to focus on close-up objects, such as a book or computer screen. If you like to read in low light, you can reduce eye strain significantly by using reading glasses.
Use a reading lamp that allows the room to remain in low ambient lighting, but directs a small pool of light to the page.
Blink frequently to keep your eyes lubricated. There can be a tendency to stare fixedly at the page in dim lights. Dry eyes will contribute to eye strain.
Take frequent "eye breaks" when reading or writing in low light. The 20-20-20 method is recommended by the American Optometric Association. For every 20 minutes of reading, look about 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This helps keep the muscles around the eye relaxed.
Get up and get moving at least once an hour. Taking a short walk, preferably in natural light, will help all your muscles stay limber by increasing blood flow. Eye strain often results in headaches from constricted blood flow to the head and face.