Definition of a Routine Eye Exam
Medical History
A complete medical history is usually taken before any tests are performed. This is often done by a technician before you see the doctor. It is important to list any eye problems that you have had in the past as well as other health conditions. The optometrist will consider your personal and family history when conducting the eye exam.
Visual Acuity Test
The visual acuity component of an eye exam measures how well you can see different sized objects at a specific distance. This is usually done by reading letters on a sign across the room. Each line of letters gets smaller and determines whether or not you need corrective lenses. If you cannot read the letters on your own, the doctor will try different lenses to determine your prescription.
The doctor will need to measure the curvature of your eye to see how light is bent as it passes through the lens. This test is only performed when corrective lenses are needed and is usually done while testing different lenses to determine your prescription. The correct refraction will result in a sharper image.
Perimetry Test
The perimetry test measures peripheral vision. This is done by focusing one eye in the center of a large dish while covering the other eye. The dish is covered with small lights that will blink in various places. You will click on a button each time you see a light. This test shows the doctor any blind spots that you may have in your peripheral field.
Color Vision
Many people may not realize that they don't see colors correctly. Color blindness is tested by looking at cards that contain a number among colored dots. A person with total color blindness will not be able to distinguish any number from the rest of the background. Someone with only partial color blindness will be able to see some of the numbers and that will determine what color limitations she has.
Physical Eye Exam
The doctor will look at your eyes directly during the physical part of the eye exam. He will check the eye muscles by having you move your eyes as instructed. The doctor will also examine the outside of the eye with a magnifying glass to look for any abnormalities. The third part of the physical exam involves checking the retina. This can be done by dilating the pupils and looking directly at the retina. Some doctors are now using machines to take a picture of the retina that can be stored for comparison at later exams.
Glaucoma Test
The glaucoma test is performed by checking the pressure in each eye. There are a few different ways to test the pressure. The most common is to measure the reaction to a puff of air. This is painless and requires no anesthetic. Other methods require an instrument to directly touch the eye and numbing drops are given before this test is conducted.