About Floppy Eyelid Syndrome
W.W. Culbertson and H.B.Ostler first described FES in the American Journal of Ophthalmology in 1981.
People who have FES may experience all or several of the following symptoms: Droopy eyelids; dry, red or swollen eyes; mucous discharge (worse in the morning); frequent infections; easily inverted eyelids; eyelashes that point downward and poke the eye; and sleep disturbances and morning headaches.
Help Via an Ophthamalogist
People with this condition should see an ophthalmologist, who is specially trained to provide the full spectrum of eye care.
Things to Avoid
If you have these symptoms, avoid rubbing your eyes, using contact lenses or touching your eyes against your pillow during sleep. Your eye doctor may prescribe topical creams and a plastic or metal eye shield for use when sleeping. Severe cases may require surgery to avoid vision loss.
Making a list before your visit is helpful in order to tell your doctor about important details. Doctors often miss diagnosing FES because the symptoms are also associated with allergies and other health issues. For more information, see Resources below. Also, the Foundation of the American Academy of Opthalmology maintains a helpful website at http://www.eyecareamerica.org. Or access additional educational materials and financial aid by calling 800-222-EYES (3937), toll-free.