Blinking Disorder
The Facts
A blinking disorder is basically an ongoing eye tic or twitch. It is a neurological disorder. The cause is often not known; however, it is sometimes associated with a range of disorders, such as dry eye syndrome (DES), Tourette's syndrome and tardive dyskinesia.
Symptoms of blepharospasm tend to worsen under stress, fatigue or due to irritation from bright lights. They often begin gradually and worsen over time, becoming more frequent and severe. During a spasm, the muscles around the eye twitch and tighten, causing the eye to close involuntarily, sometimes many times in a row. Unlike normal blinking, these spasms often cause distress and can interfere with normal activities and vision.
One type of blinking disorder is benign essential blepharospasm (BEB), or just blepharospasm. The term blepharospasm can apply to any twitching or involuntary movement of the eye. This type of disorder is somewhat rare and not life-threatening. The cause is not known. The condition is also commonly referred to as an eye spasm, eye muscle twitch, eyelid twitch, or eyelid spasm.
Other types of blinking disorder can be more serious and are caused by neurological disorders such as Tourette's syndrome. Another known cause of an eye spasm is dry eye syndrome (DES), which is usually caused by decreased tear production or excessive tear evaporation.
There is no known cause for blepharospasm. However, some treatments are available in order to reduce the severity of the symptoms. Acupuncture is sometimes used for treatment. Botox can also be used in order to prevent the muscles from twitching. For more severe cases, surgery is sometimes necessary to remove some of the muscles and nerves in the eyelid.
If your eye twitch is mild to moderate, try to reduce your stress and fatigue by getting plenty of rest. Reducing caffeine intake can also be helpful. If the root cause of the disorder is dry eye, try using eye drops to keep the eyes moist and prevent future spasms. However, some forms of blepharospasm can be severe and impede the victim's ability to see or even open the eyes. In this case, the victim should see a doctor immediately for further counseling and a formal diagnosis.