Side Effects of Nevanac Eye Drops
What Is Nevanac?
Nevanac is an eye drop that is used for patients who have had surgeries of the eye, such as cataract surgery. It is an anti-inflammatory drug that helps relieve pain and the after effects of the surgery. Nevanac is sometimes used for patients who have eye pain but have not had surgery, although this is not as common. Nevanac needs to be prescribed by a doctor and cannot be purchased over the counter.
Eye Infections
A typical side effect of Nevanac is an eye infection. Since this medication is used after surgery, there is a high risk of infection. In order to avoid this, make sure to keep the tip of the Nevanac applicator clean. Avoid touching it with your hands or eyes, or any other surface. Germs and bacteria can sit on the tip if it is touched, which can spread the bacteria to the eye, causing an infection. Cleanliness and proper use of the applicator will greatly reduce the chance of an eye infection using Nevanac.
Eye Irritation
Some people have side effects from Nevanac that cause eye irritation. Although these are liquid eye drops, they have been known to cause a dry or sticky feeling for some. Others will feel as though something is in their eye or behind their eyelid when nothing is there. Through these Nevanac side effects, red eyes are common. This should subside after completing treatment with the eye drops.
Headaches and Nausea
In serious cases, some patients have experienced headaches and nausea as side effects of Nevanac. This varies from mild irritation to very intense headaches. If side effects are particularly severe, the patient may need to cease use of Nevanac eye drops and consult their eye doctor. A different medication may be required in order to combat these side effects.
Talk to Your Doctor
Make sure to alert your doctor of any medication allergies, whether they are from other eye medications or not. Some conditions and medications conflict with Nevanac use. Tell your doctor if you have diabetes, arthritis, bleeding disorders or dry eye syndrome. Also give them a thorough list of all medications that you take regularly or on an as-needed basis. This is the best way to avoid adverse side effects.