Side Effects of Laser Treatment for a Retinal Tear
After undergoing laser eye surgery to repair a retinal tear, patients have reported blurry vision caused by the calcification of the tissue around the tear.
Light Sensitivity
The laser surgery aftermath includes sensitivity to bright light; due to the trauma of the surgery, the pupil is not able to contract or dilate.
Perception Problems
Using a laser to repair a retinal tear can cause color-perception errors. While in recovery, the eye will not be able to code correctly the data collected by the pupil and transport it to the brain.
Blind Spot
Even afterwards, some patients who undergo laser eye surgery will have a permanent blind spot.
Decreased Perphirial Vison
While recovering after surgery, the eye's decreased mobility can result in a lessening of both peripheral and side vision.
Decreased Night Vision
Because of lack of pupil expansion, sensitivity to light and decreased night vision can both be side effects of the surgery.