What Is Trachoma?
The trachoma infection is caused by the chlamydia trachomatis microorganism. The main methods of disease transmission is through direct contact with the infected eye's discharge, as well as through insects carrying the disease, such as flies.
Trachoma is the world's leading cause of blindness. Follicular conjunctivitis develops from repeat infections, and this can lead to permanent damage to the cornea, leading to vision loss.
Trachoma symptoms include an eye discharge, irritation, eye pain, blurred vision and photophobia.
Conditions that heighten the occurrence of trachoma include crowded living conditions, poverty, improper sewage conditions, water shortage and flies in the area of these conditions. Young children and women are mostly affected by this disease.
The trachoma disease can be prevented by promoting good sanitation and hygienic habits. If the disease occurs, early treatment is important to prevent irreversible eye damage.