Eye Tracking Exercises
Follow your fingertip from the tip of your nose to your fully extended arm. Move the finger forward and back to improve flexibility in eye tracking.
Strengthen the eyes to improve tracking by holding a hand over one eye and looking at a far away object. Quickly look at an object that is nearer. Repeat three or four times, then switch eyes and repeat with the other eye.
Find online eye tracking games that can provide visualizations aimed at developing better vision.
In a dark room, turn a flashlight on and move it around while the person performing the exercise tries to catch the light to improve focus.
Play "I Spy" to improve recognition of objects while moving the eyes. Pick an object and with a simple clue, ask the other person to guess the chosen object.
Hang a ball from the ceiling and try to hit it with a light bat to work on aim and judgment while following a moving target.