Home Remedies for Cold in the Eye
Things You'll Need
- Eyedroppers
- Clean cotton cloths
- Water
- Pots to boil water in
Herbal Infusions
First, boil water for at least ten minutes to purify it. Separately, you should boil your eyedropper and its bottle, if it has one.
After the water has boiled, add a cup of dried chamomile flowers. Cover and let steep for at least 20 minutes. Then uncover and let cool.
Once the infusion has cooled, you can use it either as a compress or as an eyewash. For a compress, soak a clean cloth in the infusion, and then apply it to your eye. Use a separate cloth for each eye. You can make the compress while the infusion is still hot as long as it is not scalding, and the heat will help soothe your eye. For an eyewash, use an eyedropper to rinse out your eyes with the infusion.
Rue Fennel Eyebright Tincture
Many health food or natural food stores carry a tincture that includes rue, fennel and eyebright. First, boil some water for 10 minutes, then let it cool. Sterilize a small jar or bottle in a separate pot of boiling water.
Fill the small jar or bottle almost all the way to the top with the boiled water. Add five to ten drops of the rue-fennel-eyebright tincture. Shake well.
Use an eyedropper to rinse out eyes with the watered down tincture.