Are Contact Lenses Safe?
Cleaning the lenses is the most important way to keep them safe. If lenses are not properly cleaned, infection can occur.
Hand washing is another key way to keep your lenses safe to wear. Washing your hands before inserting or removing lenses prevents dirt or germs from your hands from infecting to the lens, and therefore your eye.
While wearing lenses, do not rub your eyes. This prevents you from scratching your cornea or transferring dirt and germs into your eye.
Duration of Wear
Most lenses allow enough oxygen to flow into the cornea during waking hours, but not enough during sleep. As long as lenses are not worn overnight, they should not deprive the eye of oxygen.
Time Frame
Each contact lens has a different duration, most being two weeks to one month. Throwing away the old lenses and starting with a fresh pair at the end of the specified time period keeps them fresh and safe.