What Is Eyelid Dermatitis?
Eyelid dermatitis is irritating and hard to treat because most creams used to treat skin irritation can't be used near the eyes.
There are a range of theories about what causes eyelid dermatitis. Most cases are attributed to some type of allergy, although the specific allergy might not be identified.
Because many cases of eyelid dermatitis are spread by the fingers, one of the easiest courses of treatment is simply to avoid touching the eyes at all and to keep the eyelids clean. This can clear up cases where an allergen has reached the skin and caused the inflammation.
Avoid any unnecessary chemicals when being treated for the condition. Insect sprays and synthetic fragrances are thought to be some of the causes of this type of dermatitis.
Seek a doctor's care before using any over-the-counter lotions on the eyelid. The use of lotions or skin creams on the eyelids may cause eye irritation, vision impairment or even blindness.