Causes of Eye Fatigue
It is important to know what causes eye fatigue so you can either avoid these triggers or reduce the amount of time spent doing these activities.
This is an eye condition that causes your vision to become blurred. In turn, this can result in eye fatigue because you have to strain your eyes to focus in order to see.
Computer Use
If you look at a computer screen endlessly, especially if the computer is positioned too closely to your face, you can develop eye fatigue. Not blinking while looking at the screen, in addition to the glare of the lights, both contribute to dry, tired eyes.
Refractive Problems
Blurred vision occurs from this condition because the shape of the eye is abnormal and does not reflect light correctly.
If you read something that is too close to you, or words that are too small, it can cause your eyes to turn in toward each other. Both of these situations can lead to eye fatigue.