High Definition Eyeglasses
High definition eye glasses are created by using a Z-View Abborometer that detects irregularities in the eye and produces an iPrint image that is used to customize lenses for an individual. The iPrint allows manufacturer's to adjust lenses in a similar process that is used in laser eye surgery.
Lighting Conditions
Glasses with high definition work well in day or night lighting conditions.
High definition eyeglass lenses are thin and lightweight. They also have typical standard glasses features available, including scratch resistance, UV blocking and anti-reflective coatings.
The price for high definition eye glasses is double than standard lenses. High definition lenses are also called i-Zon lenses.
Eyesight Conditions
These specialized glasses can be produced for individuals with nearsightedness, farsightedness and mild astigmatism.
First Production
High definition glasses were first produced by Ophthonix, a company based in San Diego, California (see Resources).