How to Correct Double Vision
Understand that wearing glasses to treat diplopia may be a corrective measure, which will be determined by your eye exam. If you are prescribed glasses, often times you will have to wear them all the time. Press-on prisms can be applied to your eyeglass lenses. This will help your eyes to focus and to help alleviate double vision. Make sure that you have regular eye exams to determine whether your condition is improving or getting worse. Your prescription will have to be adjusted to accommodate the changes.
Know that receiving eye exercise therapy could be used alone or combined with wearing glasses. Often times, once the specialist determines that you need glasses, he may also suggest eye exercises as well. The specialist will usually set up office visits for this therapy on a case-by-case basis, depending on the patient's needs. Some of these exercises are very simple and can also be repeated at home.
Keep in mind that having eye muscle surgery may be considered to be a last resort for some people. However, if it is done to improve appearance, some people may consider it as a first choice. The surgery helps to align the eyes so that they are working together. It is better to have the surgery early in life if possible (before age two), if the condition is diagnosed. There are risks involved as with any surgery, so make sure that you discuss those risks with your doctor beforehand.
Know that combining all or some of the above for the treatment of double vision is also a possible therapy. Your eye specialist may determine that you may have optimal benefit by combining all or some of these therapies.