How to Select a Quality Contact Lens Solution
Realize there are different brands of contact solutions such as Opti-Free, Bausch and Lomb and ReNu. These solutions differ in their formulas and contain ingredients that directly affect comfort. One such ingredient is a surfactant or wetting agent. Opti-Free Replenish claims to carry solutions that contain this agent, making all-day contact wear more comfortable. This helps prevent the "dry eye" effect and limits the use of rewetting drops.
Decide what kind of solution would suit your lifestyle. There are multipurpose solutions and no-rub solutions. The multipurpose solution cleanses and store your contacts. The no-rub solutions mean you don't have to rub your contacts to clean them. Though most doctors will prefer you do this anyway to help remove any build-up on your contacts. Sodium borate, sodium chloride and boric acid are three ingredients found in some solutions, especially in ReNu Multiplus Multipurpose solution. These ingredients used in this combination can cause cancer, developmental/reproductive toxicity, and allergies/immunotoxicity. (See Resources below for information on recalls and sites to find further information on ingredients found in contact solutions.)
Ask about the different selections at your next eye doctor visit. Your doctor can give you samples of different brands to try at home--not to mention that no one knows your eyes better than your doctor. Ask him about the safest solution for your eyes. Discuss your concerns about ingredients that can cause serious side effects.
Try a brand and see if you are happy with it. Sometimes it is a matter of trial and error. If you notice any irregular or allergic reactions, stop use immediately and call your eye doctor.