How to Tell If You Need Reading Glasses
Understand that presbyopia (the inability to focus on close objects) is part of the natural aging process. Typically it affects people who are over the age of 40. If you are in your 40s or older, you may have presbyopia. It is nothing to be ashamed of, but it will take some adjustment to get used to.
Think about how you read a book. Do you hold it within the normal 10 to 12 inches, or have you stretched your arms out farther, to maybe 18 to 20 inches? A classic sign of someone needing reading glasses is the stretched-out look. Typically if someone can't read book at a normal distance, he brings the page closer to his face to bring it into focus. People with presbyopia need to do the opposite, as their eye muscles have weakened in their focusing ability.
Ask yourself if your eyes seem tired all the time and if you are experiencing headaches. Of course, headaches can be caused by a number of things, but if they're associated with eyestrain it could be from your deteriorating vision. Take a break from reading or computer work and see if your eyes feel better and your headaches go away.
Notice whether you are having a hard time getting your food off your plate without spilling a little all the time. If you do detail work such as sewing or drawing, a sure indication of needing reading glasses is when you just cannot see the details anymore.
Check with your optometrist to see if he thinks you need reading glasses. He will do a series of painless tests that will show exactly what your vision is compared with what is normal. You may be able to use simple drugstore reading glasses, or you may need prescription glasses. Either way, your life will seem much easier and you will have less fatigue from eye strain.