About Visine
Visine's claim to fame is to "Get the red out." The main purpose of this longstanding eye drop is to relieve itchy, irritated and bloodshot eyes, restoring them to their natural white color. Common causes of redness could be pollen, dust, allergies, lack of sleep, swimming, a smoky room or the common cold. Visine is a major staple for marijuana smokers, whose eyes are notoriously red from smoking the noxious weed.
While it has long been available in its original formula, Visine has also branched out into specialized eye drops for particular symptoms. Newer formulas include Visine A., which includes an antihistamine; Visine A.C., with an added astringent; Visine Advanced Relief, that contains a lubricant; Visine L.R. for long-lasting redness relief; Visine Pure Tears, which come in individual dosage containers and Visine for contact lenses.
Visine does have an array of side effects even when it is used properly. Pupils may become temporarily enlarged. If too much is used, it could cause additional redness. The product should also be examined before use and not used at all if the solution appears cloudy or tinted with any color. The cap should be firmly replaced after each use to prevent contamination and the tip of the bottle should never be touched with anything. Unless folks are using the formula specifically designed for contact lenses, the lenses should be removed before use. Women who are breast feeding should ask their doctors before use and anyone with narrow angle glaucoma should avoid using Visine altogether.
While Visine is effective in clearing up the symptoms of itchy, red eyes but it will not cure any deeper root causes of the itchy redness.
One urban legend states that Visine has been used for revenge by annoyed bartenders who slip a couple of drops in a customer's drink, causing a bout of diarrhea. While this story may be fun to believe, the myth-busting site Snopes.com said this is not true. While the side effects of ingesting Visine may be dire, one of them is not a bout of diarrhea.
Ingesting Visine, with the active ingredient of tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride, may not cause diarrhea, but it can serve up a host of other ailments. Drinking or otherwise taking Visine internally can lead to blurred vision, low body temperature, an elevated then sharply dropped blood pressure, nausea and vomiting. If enough has been ingested, the person can experience seizures, tremors or even slip into a coma.