How to Treat a Foreign Body in the Eye
Things You'll Need
- Lubricating eye drops
- Water
- Tissues or cotton swabs
- Warm washcloth
Look at the eye in a mirror to see if you can identify the object that is causing discomfort. Try not to rub the eye, as this may cause additional irritation.
Flush the eye by pouring warm water gently over the eye, holding it open to allow the water to flush out the substance. You may also try using water from a drinking fountain or a hose, but watch the pressure! Check the eye to see if the object is gone after 15 or 20 seconds of flushing. Some individuals also note success with the use of over-the-counter lubricating eye drops.
Note whether or not you can still feel or see the object in your eye. If flushing with water didn't work, try using the tip of a tissue or a cotton swab to try to nab the offender. Watch what you put in your eye! Don't touch the actual eyeball with any object, and only use this method to try to remove specks that are located on the upper or lower eyelid. Don't use pressure, but merely touch the tissue or cotton swab to the speck and see if it will come out.
Cover the eye with a warm compress to help relieve discomfort as well as to protect it from further injury. If you were not able to remove the object by yourself, seek the help of a medical professional.