How to Treat Dry Eyes
Check to see if your medications may be contributing to your dry eyes. Blood pressure medications and antidepressants can be part of the problem. Discuss your dry eyes with your doctor to see if he can alter your medications or offer other options.
Get into the habit of taking frequent breaks from activities that require the prolonged use of your eyes. There are a surprising number of activities that do, including working on the computer, watching television, driving, reading, sewing and many other hobbies that require close work. During breaks, lean back and close your eyes. This will give your eyes a rest and allow them to get some natural lubrication. Just making a point of doing this every hour that you are participating in eye intensive activities will help.
Increase the humidity in the room. Lack of humidity in the air robs your eyes of moisture. This is particularly true in winter when the air in heated buildings can become dry. To increase the humidity, invest in a small humidifier. Other measures you can employ to create more humidity in the micro-climate around you are to keep houseplants, an aquarium or a decorative water feature.
Use artificial tears. They are a safe and effective temporary solution.
Eat more fish to increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in your system. This will help your body keep your eyes lubricated naturally. Some fish high in omega-3 fatty acids are salmon, mackerel, anchovies, herring, trout and sardines. You can also take omega-3 supplements.