How to Strengthen Eyes
Take a deep breath and make sure you're not doing anything but paying attention to your eyes. Roll your eyes completely around your socket. Hold each look for five seconds. Look up. Look down. Look to the right. Look to the left. Look to a point that is at your right upper diagonal, usually a corner of a room. Look at a point that is at your bottom left diagonal. Look at a point that is at your bottom right diagonal. Look at a point that is at your upper left diagonal.
Hold a pencil at half an arm length. Take a deep breath and let it all out. Focus on the pencil for 15 seconds. Now focus on something across the room for 15 seconds. Do this twice. Then focus on the pencil for two seconds and then something across the room for two seconds. Do this as many times as feels comfortable.
Hold the book as closely as you can read the words. Pick a sentence to start with. Begin reading the sentence as you move the book to arm length. Continue reading as you bring the book closer to you, till you get the page as close as you can.
Close your eyes. Using your thumb on one eye and your index finger on the other, rub your eyes back and forth. Keep your eyes closed for a minute if you can, but 30 seconds will do the same thing. Pinch the bridge of your nose with your thumb and index finger and hold pressure on this point for 30 seconds.