How to Treat Puffy Eyes
Things You'll Need
- Clean cloth
- Water
- Crushed Ice
- Green Tea
- Cucumbers
- Eyedrops
Determine the reason for the puffy eyes. This will help you decide how to proceed with the treatment process, as it may be necessary to employ more than one approach to rid your eyes of the puffiness.
Remove any irritants from the eyes. If the cause of the puffiness is due to an allergy, remove the allergen from the space. If dust or some other irritant has caused puffy red eyes, use eyedrops to wash the irritant away.
Apply a cold compress to the eyes. A clean cloth soaked in cold water will do. However, crushed ice wrapped in the folds of the cold compress will provide not only relief to the eyes but also help to relax the mind as well. Fifteen minutes to a half-hour can do wonders for the eyes.
Cut cucumber slices and lay on each of the puffy eyes. This is a time-honored means of helping to remove puffiness that is brought on by lack of or too much sleep. Natural components in the cucumbers help to soothe the eyes and restore a sense of vitality.
Prepare a compress soaked in green tea. The antioxidants in green tea are ideal when the cause of the puffy eyes is eyestrain. The green tea compress is simply freshly brewed green tea poured into a clean cloth. Make sure the compress is at a comfortable temperature before allowing to the eyes. As with the cold compress, fifteen to thirty minutes should be enough to produce results. Repeat as needed.