How to Manage Albinism
Wear sunglasses. This is a must for anyone who has ocular albinism, where eyes can appear anywhere from blue to slate gray, or reddish-pink for those with less pigmentation. Light sensitivity is a big concern for people who have ocular albinism.
Apply sunscreen when leaving the house. This is a must for anyone with oculocutaneous albinism. The lack of pigment causes the skin to easily burn, which can turn deadly as there is no protection against harmful UV rays.
Wear full body protection when at all possible. As with sunscreen, it is important to protect the skin when outdoors. Even if you are wearing sunscreen, you should also protect yourself by wearing full shirts and pants and even large hats.
Test for Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome (HPS) as early as you notice albinism. HPS is a rare type of albinism that causes a bleeding tendency and lung disease.
Allow someone with albinism to do everything that everyone else does, including sports and school.