How to Spot Symptoms of Optic Neuritis
Symptoms of Optic Neuritis
Notice if there are any changes in your vision. Progressive loss of visual acuity is a type of symptom that is characterized by blurred vision that worsens within the period of 7 days before it stabilizes.
Think about if you have any pain when moving your eyes. Existence of pain during movement of the affected eye is common. Its occurence tends to increases within a week and then eventually ceases over time.
Remember the last time you had a headache. Occurrence of a dull headache that can be a generalized one or one that happens only around the area of the affected eye.
Consider how well you are seeing colors. Diminished or impaired color vision is common among optic neuritis patients. They are unable to identify the sharp clarity of colors since their vision makes them see it lighter or darker than what it really is.
Observe abnormal appearance of phosphenes. Phosphenes are luminous impressions that take place when the retina undergoes nonluminous stimulation. In normal eyes, phosphenes are seen when someone rubs the eyes with the lids closed. After rubbing the eyes, there will be an appearance of diffused color patches (phosphenes). In the case of optic neuritis patients, phosphenes are encountered simply without pressure. When patient moves his eyes horizontally or maintain a side gaze with lids closed, phosphenes appear and become more apparent when in a dark room. Phospenes can also be triggered when patient hears sudden noises in a dark area or areas with dimmed lights.
Notice if your vision is impaired around bright lights. Most optic neuritis patients are better off seeing things with a darker background. Their pupils are unable to react normally to bright lights making it difficult for them to see things with a more luminous background.
Try to see if you have any blind spots. Presence of blind spots merely on the central vision of the patients eyes. Central vision is a vision that normally allows a person to see straight ahead. For optic neuritis patients, having a blind spot on that area makes it difficult for them to read, write, drive, or do any activities that has a need for them to see things in front or way straight ahead.