How to Treat Optic Nerve Atrophy
Obtain a complete diagnosis from a qualified health professional. Before there is any chance of taking positive steps to preserve any remaining vision, it is imperative to fully understand the current status of the optic nerves. Once this evaluation is complete, it is possible to determine what steps can be taken next.
Identify any complicating factors that currently exist. For example, glaucoma may be present, and could threaten to further damage the optic nerves. Certain nervous disorders can also add to the strain on the eyes. By identifying other health issues that can further damage the ocular nerves and then treating those issues, it may be possible to prevent any further atrophy of the optic nerve.
Compensate for the lost vision as much as possible. This may mean getting special lenses that help to partially correct the blurring of vision that takes place when some of the optic nerves become atrophied. Magnifying glasses can also sometimes be of assistance, as well as utilizing brighter lighting in the home.
Consider alternative health practices if traditional medicine offers no additional hope. Acupuncture has been touted in some quarters as a means of helping to strengthen the remaining nerves that have not undergone a process of atrophy, making it possible to partially compensate for the vision loss. Herbal regimens that focus on supplying vital nutrients to the eyes are also sometimes considered helpful.
Never give up hope. While there is no known cure for optic nerve atrophy at the present time, there is every chance that new forms of treatment for various eye conditions will be developed in the years to come.